Parent and Community Engagement Framework
Digital communication - with parents and caregivers at Brightwater State School supports a productive partnership, between home and school, to support students' social, emotional and academic development.
Facebook - Everyone is welcome to follow us on Facebook for all the latest news and information.
Email - Parents and caregivers are welcome to communicate with teachers and admin staff at Brightwater via email. This mode of communication often enables greater immediacy with messages and information. Direct emails to as your first point of contact if you do not have a direct email of the person you are wanting to communicate with.
Text Messages - In urgent situations, the school uses this mode of communication.
LED sign - The ability to display multiple messages and change these at the click of a button on the internet allows our school to keep our community well informed with events, activities and celebrations.
School Website - link
Qschools App - Connecting with Brightwater State School in the QSchools app feeds events, news stories and more from our school website straight to the app on your mobile device.
School Newsletter - The school newsletter is sent electronically to parents via email every fortnight on a Friday. It is also available on our school website.
Parent-Teacher Interviews - This whole school event occurs twice yearly, typically at the end of Term 1 and again at the end of Term 3. Teachers schedule a time or times in the week to meet with parents of students in their class to discuss their learning progress.
Class Management Plan - Each teacher completes a management plan for their class and shares it with parents. It links to the school's responsible behaviour plan for students, defines behaviours and consequences, and identifies planned times when teachers will contact parents to discuss behaviours. It also includes a positive reward system.
Parent Tips and Resources - Practical tips and resources to support learning are periodically sent home. These resources are designed to support student learning.
Open Door Classrooms - Parents are invited to visit their child's classroom, throughout the year, to view the work that they have been doing. If parents wish to meet with the class teacher, an appointment may be required.